Check out these tips to make the difference between a good website and a great one!
Ok, so you are ready to make a website. How do make sure that your website stands out and doesn't just get lost in the crowd? Here are some simple tips from Web Designer NI that will help to make a great website:
1. Less Is More - It is true what they say. Having less is more in terms of web design. How many times have you seen a website that has some many things going on and thought ' Wow, what a great site!'. Probably, not too many times. Long gone are old fashioned websites with lots of boring text and poor design. Keep things simple, minimalist and relevant. You need to try and think the mindset of a customers and make the site easy to navigate and user friendly. Some of the best websites you will see are the ones that are clear and easy to find information with a sharp design to grab your attention. So remember, less is more!
2. Avoid Text Overload - No one wants to read a book! When you visit a site you want to find out the information quickly without reading paragraph after paragraphs. We have all went on some website scanning through text just to get to the point. You want to make it as easy for your customer as possible with straight to the point information. If not, they will be likley to lose focus and skip onto the next part. Keep things interesting with images and call to actions e.g. buttons.
3. User Navigation - When customers come to your website they need to find what they are looking for....quick. They don't want to scroll through reams of information. Adding buttons or images with links are a great way to direct customers to relevant pages that will interest them. Having your logo with a link to the homepage is a good way of quickly letting the customer get back to the Home Page without scrolling right back to top menu. Be sociable and have links to your social media so customers can see what you are getting up to as well.
4. Show The Crowd - A great way of getting good, honest feedback is to show your site to your friends and family who can tell you what they really think before it goes live. Hopefully they won't be afraid to tell what they don't like and what they think is great. This is great to make any tweaks based on feedback before you make the website live. You want to go outside the box and get someone else perspective instead of being stuck in the bubble of ' I love my website!'. Take all feedback on board and don't be downhearted they criticise some areas as rather your friends or family member tells you that a customer once the website is available to the world audience.
5. Test before the rest - One crucial part that is looked over is checking your site for errors. Check, check and check again. You want to make sure if someone click on a button or a link that it is working and they can access it. Better to realise this, than a customer telling you they can't see your Facebook page because you haven't put the correct link in. The testing part tends to be overlooked by the whole design of the site but it doesn't matter if the site looks amazing if the navigation isn't!